Geomax Bulgaria Ltd.
Consultant Services -
Our services

Consultant Services

Designing drilling and blasting works Designing drilling and blasting works

Designing drilling and blasting works

Geomaks Bulgaria offers consultancy and design of controlled blasting for demolition, metal equipment, industrial plants, smokestacks and industrial blasting in mines and quarries. The company holds a license to design and perform special and technological blasting throughout the country.The company employs certified designers first degree, managers and vzrivnitsi of industrial and specialty blasting operations. The company offers a complete service, designing and blasting operations, supply of explosive materials, issuing permits for blasting operations, security perimeter and carry out protective measures in the conduct of special and industrial blasting.

Preparation of complete projects for mining quarries and mines Preparation of complete projects for mining quarries and mines

Preparation of complete projects for mining quarries and mines

The company offers manufacturing of complete projects for mining by open pit. The company employs mining engineers - specialty "Development of mineral resources." Geologists and minning surveyors with long experience in the field. We know better legal framework and we have established good contacts in government and regional institutions. Dalggodishniya our experience as managers of companies in the sector give us certainty that we know well the production processes and developments in extraction techniques and technologies.

Preparation of Annual mining projects Preparation of Annual mining projects

Preparation of Annual mining projects

The company produces annual projects for mining in connection with the obligations of the concessionaires of deposits of minerals annually provide information about the seized volumes and yield forecast next year. We geodetic measurement of damaged areas, calculation of quantities, optimize the forecast for next year and protect the project to control bodies.

Financial - economic justifications Financial - economic justifications

Financial - economic justifications

  Geomaks Bulgaria prepares financial statements for granting concessions for mining. According RULES FOR IMPLEMENTATION OF THE LAW ON CONCESSIONS - Chapter Two Preparatory action prom. SG issue 54 / 04.07.2006, preparatory activities for granting concessions include making rationale concession.

Preparation of social justifications As part of the minimum concession analyzes the Rules for Implementation of the Concessions Act - Chapter Two Preparatory action prom. SG issue 54 / 04.07.2006 g Geomaks Bulgaria produces social justifications for granting concessions for mining

Preparation of environmental justifications Preparation of environmental justifications

Preparation of environmental justifications

 As part of the minimum concession analyzes the Rules for Implementation of the Concessions Act - Chapter Two Preparatory action prom. SG issue 54 / 04.07.2006 g Geomaks Bulgaria produces environmental justifications for granting concessions for mining.

 Preparation of documents for procedures for assessing the environmental impact  Preparation of documents for procedures for assessing the environmental impact

 Preparation of documents for procedures for assessing the environmental impact

The company is preparing documents for issuing a decision on the need for EIA. Prepare request information Application № 2 to the Ordinance on the terms and conditions
evaluation of environmental impact (adopted by Decree № 59/2003, amended and supplemented PMS№302 / 2006 ....)

Preparation of EIA reports Preparation of EIA reports

Preparation of EIA reports

Geomaks Bulgaria prepare reports for the issuance of a decision on an assessment of the environmental impact assessment (EIA). This report is provided in paper and electronic form in accordance with Article 13 of the Regulation on conditions and procedures for assessing the environmental impact (adopted by Decree № 59/2003. Amend. And suppl. Decree №302 / 2006.). Applying to it the views and opinions of stakeholders, maps and other materials. applications (eg. protocols, analyzes). The reports are produced and signed by a registered expert with certificates from the Ministry of Environment and Water.


Drafting of boreholes for water (water intake facilities) Drafting of boreholes for water (water intake facilities)

Drafting of boreholes for water (water intake facilities)

To build drilling / well service / need a permit from the relevant authorities of the Ministry of Environment and Water . Geomaks Bulgaria to carry out consultations and preparation of documents for a permit to use water from water intake facilities. The complex of services includes project to build a water intake facility, an application for a permit application to the relevant Basin Directorate to check the availability of facilities nearby, technological estimate declaration pending the construction of the respective well.


Preparation of documentation for prospecting and exploration of mineral Preparation of documentation for prospecting and exploration of mineral

Preparation of documentation for prospecting and exploration of mineral

Experts of the company prepare all necessary documents relating to obtaining permits for prospecting and / or exploration and concessions for mining, and participation in competitions. They produce more: Geological projects for carrying out prospecting and / or exploration of mineral resources; Geological reports and condition at the end of the prospecting and / or exploration; Applications for commercial discovery identified in the survey deposits of mineral resources and the necessary geological documentation. They can prepare all required by the Regional Inspectorate of Environment and Water documents related to the search and / or examination of these minerals

Consultation in the field of search, extraction and processing of inert materials
Experts of the company consulted with regard to current or new procedures related to the search, extraction and / or processing of aggregates. Analyzed the current state of mining technology, processing technology, systems of detection of deposits and their reclamation. Prepare proposals for the optimization of all processes in the mining and processing of aggregates for the construction industry.

Contact us
28, Nikola Kozlev str.
Varna, Bulgaria

Tel. +359 893 46 29 37
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